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Artist of the Month

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The featured Artist of the Month for December is Chris Cotton of New Zealand!


Chris Cotton lives in Auckland New Zealand with two cats two dogs and a multitude of teddy bears. She has just the one husband, although he has two jobs (Washing up and Web design).Her two adult children are very proud of her creations and keep in regular contact. Chris was born in Lancashire, England and spent much of her childhood in the Fiji Islands. She has lived in Auckland though for the last 30 years. Chris has always been of a creative mind and started making clothes for herself and sister while still at school. She discovered bear making only about 4 years ago and it has turned into a passion. She has to date designed over 40 different bears.

A common thread running through Chris' designs are small ears and large feet. Chris started the Auckland Teddy Bear Club, which now meets on a monthly basis at her home. Members of the Club meet; swap, and share Teddy Bear stuff, and most of all have fun enjoying a common interest. Chris has run Bear Classes for beginners and advanced bearmakers, and trades in special fur and supplies in a small way. The Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals recently benefited from Chris's skills. This large bear which was designed by Jo Lynn was auctioned at their annual dinner and raised a tidy sum. S.P.C.A. Bear

Chris's bear Jasper is our TOP seller! You can have a look at him and her other bears at The Den Shop.

Chris's Webpage: Gemini Bears

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All rights reserved  Phone: Leigh (604) 873-3300
Hours: 9 am to 6 pm PACIFIC TIME
Fax:  (604) 608-3577

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