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Artist of the Month

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The featured Artist of the Month for the Month of February is Lisa Bunting Thoms of the US!


Throughout my life, many different people have inspired me. Two of those people, my grandma and my mother, played a critical role in my creative development.

My grandma, May Estelle Windsor, was a talented seamstress. Born in 1897, she learned to sew by developing her own patterns. She could duplicate any item she admired when passing by a store window. In 1973, my grandma passed her love of sewing on to me.

By teaching me to sew, she also inspired me to create projects from my imagination. I will never forget my first "creation." I made a Piglet as a friend for my Pooh Bear. Although he was quite pathetic looking, he did bear some resemblance to the Disney Character. Since she encouraged me, I use my grandma's image from 1913 on my hangtags as a tribute to a great woman.

My mom, Dora Lee Bunting, is also very talented. She is not only a gifted artist but is a very clever writer as well. Combined with her vivid imagination, she never ceased to amaze or entertain us as children. Whether she was writing a script for a fashion show, designing a poodle skirt for a school play, or teaching a group of 4-H'ers a particular craft, my mom was always successful. Although my mom could not teach me her specific talents, she did teach me about something that is very important in any successful career...perseverance.

I owe a lot to both my grandma and my mom because as a bear artist, they made me who I am today.

As for the future of bear making, I am constantly mesmerized by the creativity ofThule others. They have taken the cute and cuddly teddy bear "toy" to a whole new level. The teddy bear has become not only a highly sought after collectible but also an art form. I am constantly experimenting with the patterns that I have designed trying to out do what I used to consider my personal best. Hand dyeing my fabric using different techniques along with experimenting with hand painting the mohair and paw pads has become part of my normal routine. My style changes almost as much as my mood. My one hope is that the love that I put into each creation is reflected in the bear's personality.


You can see more of Lisa and her bears at Bunting Thoms Teddybären

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