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Artist of the Month

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The featured artist of the month for June is Sandra Dineen of the US!

There was a major change in my life about 6 years ago after taking several "Teddy Bear Making Classes". I was quite reluctant about taking the classes but was coaxed by my friend Harriet (owner of "Teddy Bears To Go.") After making one acrylic bear, I knew mohair would be my next venture. With enthusiastic support from m sons, Tony & Kevin, & husband Pat, my hobby became infectious.

As soon as I completed a bear, I couldn'tt wait to redesign my pattern to get the traditional "older" looking bruin. Kevin was still living at home & encouraged me & helped me name the bruins.

I worked long hours as office mgr. For a husband & wife Dental Practice for 13 years. After work (7 p.m.), Id rush home and relax by making bears until the wee hours of the morning. I was delighted when Harriet called to say that several of my bruins, that were at her store, were sold!! That was the beginning of my small business.

I wouldnt have believed it if someone told me that Id be traveling to shows (sometimes alone) "peddling orphan bears." It is such a pleasure & labor of love seeing the happiness the bruins bring to their new owners.

Most people mention the faces of the bears, which is a true compliment to me since I feel the face captures the eye of the collector. Therefore, I work very hard on the bears face for that "special look".

I have met the nicest people at the teddy bear shows and through phone orders who turn out to be "beary" special friends. Im so grateful to be involved with a rewarding & fun filled career!

It was easy to choose the name for my bruins, since Im originally form Mass. And my sons and husband played ice hockey, so I chose my business name "Bearly Bruins" after the professional hockey team the Boston Bruins.

I would like to thank my family for all the help and support theyve given me.

Could this all have happened to me since I never had a teddy bear in my childhood??

ZacheryYou can see more of Sandra and her bears at her website Sandy's Bearly Bruins






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