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Artist of the Month

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Our featured Artist of the Month for February is American artist Susan Boardman!!


About the Artist:

I began my artist training as a child when I would sit for hours and draw my dream houses. I was sure that I would become an interior designer. As I grew older my interests changed and I took a position as an assistant to an artist who designed wearable textile art. In my years in the fashion design business I learned much about pattern design, fabric manipulation, and more importantly, extensive airbrushing and hand painting techniques.

When I began making bears in 1998 I naturally incorporated many of the skills I had learned in the apparel industry to create unique and fresh designs. I hope you enjoy looking at my creations as much as I enjoyed bringing them to you.

About the Bears:

All of my bears are designed and handcrafted by me out of the finest imported mohair and materials available. Each creation is designed with the discerning collector in mind. I enjoy adding handpainted details to my bears and pushing the envelope of traditional bear design.

You can see more of Susan and her bears at her Website!

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All rights reserved  Phone: Hilde (604) 929-3150 or (604) 873-3300
Hours: 9 am to 6 pm PACIFIC TIME
Fax:  (604) 608-3577

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This page is dedicated to all those lost but not forgotten Teddy BearsMohair