- Teddy Bear & Friends -
Subscription Info:
U.S. Funds Only -
$19.95 per year, Bi-monthly U.S.
$25.95 per year, Bi-monthly Canada
$43.95 per year, Bi-monthly Foreign
Subscription Address:
Teddy Bear & Friends
6405 Flank Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Phone Numbers:
1-800-435-9610 - U.S.
1-815-734-5824 - Outside U.S.
- Teddy Bear Review -
Subscription Info:
$22.95 per year, Bi-monthly U.S.
$28.95 per year, Bi-monthly Foreign
Subscription Address:
Teddy Bear Review
P.O. Box 1948
Marion, OH 43305
Phone Numbers:
1-(800)-347-6969 - U.S.
+1-614-382-3322 - Outside U.S.
Web Site:

- Teddies Own Journal (Victorian Harvester) - [ISSN 1201-7833]
Subscription Info:
U.S. - $29.00
Canada - $22.00
Overseas $29.00
Subscription Address:
Teddies Own Journal
438 Draycott Street
Coquitlam, BC
V3K 5K2
Phone Numbers:
1- 604-937-5119
1- 604-937-5165 - Fax

- Teddy Bear Times - [ISSN 0961-0944]
Subscription Info:
U.S. - $32.00
Canada - $45.00
UK - 21 pounds
Europe - 29 pounds
Rest of World - 35 pounds
US Address:
- Teddy Bear Times
Heritage Press
3150 State Line Road
North Bend, Ohio 45052
Phone Numbers:
513-353-3933 - Fax
UK address:
Ashdown Publishing Ltd.
Avalon Court
Star Road
Partridge Green
West Sussex
RH13 8RY
Phone Numbers:
01403 711511
01403 711521
Holland & Germany address:
Angeline Rahardjo
Van Boetselaerlaan 22
2581 Aj Den Haag
070 3520685
Web Site:
- Hugglets Teddy Bear Magazine - [ISSN 0960-1465]
Subscription Info:
U.S. - $24.95
UK - 14 pounds
Europe - 17 pounds
Rest of World - 20 pounds
Subscription Address:
UK Address:
Hugglets Publishing
PO Box 290
Brighton, England
Phone Numbers:
01273 697974
01273 626255 - Fax
US Address:
Bright Ideas!
PO Box 30578
Columbia, MO
Phone Numbers:
1-314-657-2739 - Fax - Teddy Bear Scene & Other Furry Friends - [ISSN 1355-9311]
Subscription Info:
Subscription Cost Unknown
Subscription Address:
Teddy Bear Scene (& Other Furry Friends)
7 Ferringham Lane
Ferring, West Sussex
BN12 5ND
Phone Numbers:
01903 244900
01903 506626 - Fax
Web Site:
- Teddy Bear Club International -
Subscription info: UK : £29. 25
USA : $37. 25
Europe : £39.75
RoW : £51. 50
Phone Number:
44 (0)1454 620070
(fax 620080)
Web Site:

- Dolls, Bears and Collectibles - ISSN - Unknown
Subscription Info:
$29.70 Aust, 6 issues
$59.40 Aust, 12 issues
Subscription Address:
Network Distribution Company
54 Park Street
Sydney, NSW
Phone Number:
02 282 8777
- Bear Facts Review - [ISSN 1323-7462]
Subscription Info:
1 year (3 issues) -
$19 Aust in Australia
Add $9 Aust for New Zealand
Add $15 Aust for Air Mail Delivery Rest of World
Subscription Address:
Bear Facts Review
PO Box 503
Moss Vale, NSW
Phone Numbers:
048 681 338
048 691 438 - Fax